Interview with Carl H. Jelstrup, D.C.
But aside from those changes, nothing else seemed to have happened. Same houses. A few extra places had sprung up, but not many. But to my dismay, the friends I grew up with, the friends I went to school with -we were all in one class, seven grades in one classroom, the friends I used to ski with, the friends I use to hang around with they were mostly gone, many were dead. I found one person still alive. I believe the reason was partly because of the dentistry we had as children. The dentist visited us two times a year. He drove up to the valley in his car and took out his drill, which was driven by a pedal. He did only two things, he either extracted teeth or he put in amalgam, which incidentally consisted of 50% pure mercury and approximately 50% copper. A pretty toxic dosage of metal to be stuffed into your mouth (this tradition is still being pursued by most dentists today).
If the traveling dentist extracted teeth, he put some cotton in the dental cavity, and that was the end of that. So this form of dental care often created dental and jaw trauma which created bacterial infections. It was only a matter of time before the infection would hit the body and the person would go down.
With the overload of amalgam we received, we got mercury toxicity in vital organs in the body, and in addition was a breakdown of the immune system, leading to early death. This was hard for me to see, but it also made me acutely aware of the shortcomings of the modern healthcare system. Again I realized the importance of taking care of the body in its natural form and being able to read it as such.
Interviewer: So when you were young, did you have teeth pulled or filled with amalgam?
Jelstrup: Yes.
Interviewer: Both?
Jesltrup: Yes and it nearly killed me. I hit maturity with this in1990, and it nearly took my life. But in the process, I became an expert. Because of the bio-phonics and other testing methods, I knew what was happening. I knew where the problem was. I went through three jaw surgeries alone, to dig out the amalgam. I became an expert in bridgework. I became an expert in re-establishing the proper planes in the mouth. I worked with the best dentists here in the Northwest and it turned out to be my blessing.
Interviewer: Who did you personally see as a dentist?
Jelstrup: There was a variety of them and I considered them all the best at the time. I am very thankful to have worked with an orthodontist in Redmond. With him, we developed a dental splint device designed to decrease cranial pressure and designed to move the face into the proper position where there were misalignments or genetic malformations. This was monumental in the dental corrective field. All of the people I worked with at the time were pioneers. This is the primary reason why I have not returned to Norway to practice. Simply because we have established such a strong network in the Northwest with MDs, dentists, orthodontists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and the like.
The teeth are something we watch very closely. We watch, as I mentioned before, the cranium. Then, gradually we get into the nutrition habits which are hygiene. We pay close attention to blood types and nutrition. I have found this to be very valuable and finally, we pay close attention to the emotional well-being of the individual and make sure the individual does not have too many balls in the air which would interfere with their health. If they do, we help them to get the appropriate help to erase the negative programming which is running his or her life.
We use terms in the clinic like ‘to get your past in your past,' and ‘past history in your history not past history in your present.’ If your past history is in your present you are run by your past and we are trying to open up your present and your future for - shall we say opportunities. We do not want to automatically be run by traumas we keep remembering or repeating. We work quite a bit with this, and refer people to the appropriate persons. One of the best people we have worked with over the years is Patricia Wampler. She is a counselor on the Eastside here who has done a lot of good work and there are many others as well.
Interviewer: Now I feel like I am missing out on all this C.J. When I come in I just get my neck adjusted and then I leave.
Jelstrup: Sometimes there is not more. Some people have whiplash, and this is my focus. If they have a happy relationship, if they know what to eat and how to take care of themselves, I focus primarily on the meningeal system. But if their husband loses his job, they are sitting there with two kids and they are scared out of their wits, you have to do other things before you can access the meningeal system.
Jelstrup: There is one more thing I would like to mention. There has been a clinical observation of mine over the last 10 years and I credit this discovery totally to Dr. Versandal. Not infrequently over time, we meet people who are ridden with anxiety. I never quite understood this, to begin with – I figured, well, take a hike, go into nature, get some fresh air, and maybe things will go better. Then I learned anxiety is primarily an emotional reaction to a chemical state which affects the brain and how it functions. Dr.Versandal pinpoints this chemical state to be associated with a little part of the thyroid called the T1 mechanism. This is partly responsible for the electrical charge, so to speak, of the brain. When this goes onto the dimmer, anxiety sets in.
There can be dyslectic patterns; there can be other adverse behavior patterns. Most often though as a low undertone for all these cases is a state of ongoing anxiety. There are few things that can disrupt your life more than anxiety. You can have pain and still cope. But once you hit anxiety, you lose the ability to cope. Versandal pinpointed this, and through a company called Standard Process Laboratories, they developed a substance called ‘Min-Tran’.
We used bio-phonics to identify the stress patterns associated with the T1 deficiency. We started to research it in the clinic. We started to check people for it. For instance, there are certain body forms that are more prone to have a T1 deficiency than other forms, and we started to pinpoint them, and acquire case histories.
I can mention just one example we had in the clinic. A husband had lost his wife, and his family, lost everything he owned, a well-to-do person from this area. He ended up sleeping in his car, basically. He came wandering in one day and we detected this. We put him on a high dose of Min-Tran, six tables in the morning, six in the evening, and in a matter of three months, he probably reversed his whole behavior pattern. In a matter of a couple of years now, he has completely rebuilt himself. He is back to being a successful person again. He made peace with his family and started to see the aberrant behavior patterns he had that had been generated through anxiety trying to gain extreme control over his family, which had led him to his loss. We have seen some amazing things in situations like this. What is so good about this is if you take Min- Tran, you cannot only control anxiety, but many other emotional patterns tied in with it. It is amazing.
Interviewer: What does Min- Tran stand for?
Jelstrup: Min-Tran is a combination of kelp, sea minerals and alfalfa, and a few other things made by Standard Process Laboratories. Very inexpensive. A high dosage for one person would be less than $100 for a full-year supply. It is also very healthy for the body. There are good things in it. We find certain people have a higher need for these certain supplements.
Now I believe if we researched this more, we could change the form and change the structure, therefore, changing the anxiety patterns. Although sometimes it is impossible there is always a possibility you might make the need for the supplement obsolete. However, as a first-aid support which is also nutritious, you most likely would eliminate things like Ritalin, and many other drugs, simply by common sense nutrition and high supplementation of a substance like Min-Tran.
For us, this has been a major discovery. Right now we are attracting these high anxiety-ridden people as patients, like fleas on a dog. Simply because we have figured it out, so then they come in. It is like they sense there is a solution. The beauty of this is - the solution is simple. This has been an example again of the chemical part of the triangle.
Of course, we deal quite a bit with nutrition but the overall picture is – we try to balance the triangle. We try to observe whom we are dealing with, observe the needs of the person, balance the triangle every visit and every time we deal with this person, and make sure the meningeal system is clear and in balance. I think this is basically it.
Interviewer: What will you be teaching in Denmark.?
Jelstrup: I will be teaching a course together with my colleague Jeanne Kreider and Bob Shane, a remarkable physicist. We will be teaching a comprehensive system of diagnosis based on the triangle concept and based on the work we are doing with bio-phonics. We are making it open to MDs and other healthcare providers, like massage therapists, and nurses. As I said in the beginning we are dealing with basically two systems; emergency medicine and preventive care. This is basically where the division is. The more knowledge we have in preventive care, the more we are going to be able to influence how things are done in the society at large in healthcare.
Interviewer: What was your specific training, which got you into this? Where did you start?
Jelstrup: My specific training was chiropractic. I graduated from Palmer College in 1963. I spent five years traveling across the United States interning in different clinics just to learn. I had a hard time digesting what they served in school. I was not quite sure about this. In school, you get just academic knowledge. I was fortunate enough to work with B.J.Palmer. He was the founder of modern chiropractic so to speak. I derived a lot of observations from him. He put a vast emphasis on hygiene.
Interviewer: Hygiene meaning nutrition?
Jelstrup: Hygiene meaning lifestyle, how you live, and what kind of bugs affects you, nutrition, sanitation, water, and the works. What he pointed out as I remember from him to this day is all the gains we had in this century have not been from the field of medicine but from the fields related to sanitation, including the water departments in different cities, etc. He also taught me some keen observations we are still working within the clinic today. There is a timing in the nervous system which affects health. There are questions we still have not answered but they gave me a lot of good bones to chew on in the meantime. His philosophy, and his sense of direction in the health field, I consider to be revolutionary.
Later on, after an assorted practice in the late 60s in the United States, I went to Denmark where I practiced and worked with Julia Voeldan. She was the founder of the Voeldan Health Centers in Denmark. In her time this represented some of the largest natural rehabilitation health centers in Northern Europe. She based her centers on the theory she developed, called the Voeldan Theory, which was dealing with the electromagnetic principles of the human body. She then broke it down to the very core. From her, I learned that herbs might be good for one person but can be detrimental to another.
It all depends on the form. By understanding the form, you can read if a person is electro-positive or electro-negative. She formulated a theory by describing how people have a central nervous system with opposite electric spins if I may use a vague term like this. It took me a little while to learn her theory. Once I learned it, I began to wonder ‘how come everyone doesn’t see it?” And out of this I gradually learned to observe why opposites attract in people. You see it in animals, you see it all over. These opposites have very different needs. So Voeldan taught me to observe the electromagnetic principles in people down to a very core level; down to the electromagnetic spin of individuals. It is a theory as well as it is an observation. You can apply the theory in practice and with simple applied kinesiology you can literally prove the theory.
I worked closely with her and became an advisor to her group. She was in her heyday running 100-bed units in Denmark where people stayed there one week at a time learning to deal with different ailments, from chronic arthritis, and exhaustion to cancer. She has been a major beacon in preventive health care in Denmark.
Later I had a practice in Norway in Lillehammer. Then I decided to return to the West Coast, simply because I felt a need for more knowledge within the structural field. This turned out to be my blessing because out here I came in contact with very good people.
Interviewer: When did you come to the United States?
Jelstrup: I came back in 1972. At the time I told my patients in Lillehammer I would be back in three months [laughter]. Whenever I return now to Lillehammer they always ask, ‘when are the three months going to be up?' [Laughter] ...meaning now, it is their grandchildren who are asking!
Interviewer: You know Dr. Albert Berti in Canada? He is also well known in certain circles for having tremendous success with head injury cases which are notoriously difficult to treat.
Jelstrup: Yes he is a delight. I talked to him just a few days ago. For him, the sun rises and sets with the Atlas- mechanism. In his opinion, and in the opinion of the people who practice the upper cervical specific approach it is through the leverage mechanism of the Atlas-Occipital area that when applying the proper adjustments to this area, you can literally control the whole meningeal system. I respect his views. I respect his work. However, I do not think it is complete.
I have frequently seen many cases where people have been adjusted for a long time, for whiplash, and have not improved, simply because the doctors were not able to access the cranial component. Sometimes they do, however many times they do not and the patients end up coming back repeatedly. Whereas in our clinic we are totally committed to making the patient independent of the clinic and only return to the clinic when he or she senses that their system is out of proper homeostasis. This can be due to lifestyle – stress factors and those who do not have time to exercise.
When it comes to exercise I constantly remind people there is only one exercise. This is walking. Due to the inherited genetic patterns of walking gait pattern is what started us, perhaps 200,000 years ago - who knows how far back. This pattern will elicit a certain effect on the brain which will affect the whole body beneficially.
Interviewer: What does your colleague do? The same thing or something different?
Jelstrup: Jeanne works also with structure and we are in alignment with our philosophies in patient care.
She was educated in critical nursing and then took extra training in massage therapy. She also has her doctorate in nutrition and alternative health care. She trained with a well-known chiropractor Dr. M.L. Rees who developed ‘a hands-on healing technique’ considered Bio- Vibrational Medicine and etheric modification. She has some very good information.
Along with this, she is the female principal at the Bellevue Wellness Center. She senses things I do not and has more nurturing capacities. Because of her nursing background, she is exceptionally very good at analytical work. Integration of many healing techniques is her forte. She also teaches as I mentioned bio-phonics as well as a whole system for natural healing.
Interviewer: I remember speaking with some chiropractors who mentioned they are very disenchanted with chiropractic.
Jelstrup: I have seen many chiropractors; many doctors just talk about their investments, because they can not stand their practice anymore. It is a common phenomenon you often see. They have lost interest in what they are doing. There was not any spark there in the first place. If you are interested in this work, this becomes your life, it becomes your hobby and it becomes everything. I consider myself extremely lucky I fell into this. The only reason I fell into it was I had heard about chiropractic when I still lived in Norway. All the medical clinics there had one thing in common. They threw me out of the office when I mentioned chiropractic. They literally asked me to disappear right then. They pointed to the door and said OUT. Being a stubborn Norwegian this chiropractic no-no really caught my interest.
Interviewer: Why did they do this?
Jelstrup: I do not know. I imagine they thought Chiropractic was the worst. They had such feelings against it. I mean really intense feelings I had to investigate [laughter]. Plus it was the opportunity - being 21 years old to hitchhike on a boat to America, an opportunity to see the world. For me, this was my ticket.
Interviewer: Now your daughter Kristine is also interested in alternative medicine too?
Jelstrup: Yes, she has done remarkably well with it. She is also a massage therapist and has moved into the preventive health care field as a practitioner in Boston.
Interviewer: How do you see what goes on in America or at least in Seattle compared to Norway for health care?
Jelstrup: I think the field of preventative care here and the research we are doing among certain groups of practitioners is phenomenal. I think we have more knowledge within five square miles of the Seattle-Bellevue area than anywhere else I can think of in the world right now. I do not know anywhere on this planet that can match the knowledge you can find in the northwest.
There are some very dedicated people here. I would like to mention Jonathan Collin, MD., too, as a dedicated man to preventive care. He is a beacon. As well as Leo Bolles MD., who has taken a stand for preventive care. Who has been outstanding in spite of the extreme harassment he has sustained from the local American Medical associations. Then we have people like Patti Wampler in the mental health field. There are so many people out there with such a deep sense of knowledge about health care. They have a dedication to the principle stating the human body is capable of correcting the triangle of well-being when given a chance.
These people have world-class capabilities. They are beginning to teach all over the world. Canada, Europe, Eastern Europe. All these wonderful people are right here around me in Bellevue. All of these people are the tops. They are smack dab in my backyard. This is why I have never returned to Norway. I stay in Norway for one month at a time, now when I go three or four times a year. Once I am back here, I am going, going, going all the time. When I am in Norway I hike. I cut myself totally out of civilization. I ski and I am into nature – period nothing else.
Interviewer: How long have you been in practice in Bellevue?
Jelstrup: Since 1972
Interviewer: How many patients do you see a year?
Jelstrup: I do not know, however, I average about 25 per day, and Jeanne averages 16 -18 per day. We are talking about nearly 50 people in a full day's work. It is a lot of work. It is very intense work because we work very comprehensively with people. Our approach is to move through the body step by step so we have all the bases covered.
Interviewer: You have primarily a cash practice right, which is somewhat unusual?
Jelstrup: Yes. People pay and they pay happily because they are doing better, and they are getting something out of it and they understand there is an end to their treatment. It is not this long dragged out three times a week thing indefinitely. Something I learned from BJ Palmer as well – over adjusting can be extremely harmful. I am very much accustomed to trying to find out what the individual needs are to sustain a healthy life. This is the primary focus in our clinic.
Interviewer: You do not really advertise do you?
Jelstrup: Neither Jeanne nor myself has ever advertised.
Interviewer: Never?
Jelstrup: Never, Jeanne used to be booked up to a year and now has it monitored so she is no longer booked longer then three months at a time. For myself I am usually booked up to one or two weeks in advance.
Interviewer: Why would people book with Jeanne up to a year ahead?
Jelstrup: Because she has developed a following of people who want to see her. She offers such a comprehensive treatment in a 30-minute session which has made a positive impact on the people she has treated. Both for her and myself being booked in advance has always been this way for as long as I remember.
Interviewer: It is all word of mouth, really?
Jelstrup: Nothing else. It is amazing when you clear whiplash injuries in two weeks how that word spreads. Especially when people have spent $10,000 before and they are still not cured. For this $10,000 they expect to have this problem resolved. We decided to step out of that whole endless treatment cycle, correct the problem and let people pay as they go. Get them back to work, etc. For this reason, we do not particularly take any welfare cases per se. People simply have got to be willing to take care of themselves. This brings me to a very important point.
Jelstrup: Early in the assessment of the individual we try to assess the person as to his or her state of mind, where his well being is. It is one of the first things I do. I have two categories. I assess people as either victims or they are warriors. [laughter]
Victims will sooner or later become wimps and warriors will sooner or later win.
So victims turn to wimps and warriors will win. This simply means in a more serious connotation when you take on the role of a victim [and I do not blame people for doing this, because they have been educated to.] the doctors say, ‘don’t worry Mrs. Jones do not ask questions. We will take care of you and solve your problems. Here is a medicine that will solve your problem. It has certain side effects but basically, you are in good hands.’
People let go of their primary defense system which is the brain. They drop their brain at the foot of the doctor. If you do more serious research on people who let go of their observational power, or their belief in themselves you can see that the brain literally changes and takes on a passive role because it has trusted the message - wait and see it is not your problem. You have nothing to do with it because the doctor will fix it. Put the brain in a passive mode which on a chemical level sets the stage for the brain to produce nothing. The brain is not involved. The medical profession thinks they can stimulate that brain activity through chemicals, and I am not quite sure they will ever be able to hit the target fully.
If you take the position as a warrior, you want to know what is going on and regardless of what happens to you - you take total responsibility for your life and for your actions. Such a brain will begin to produce the appropriate chemicals for the appropriate situation. Now, this is a generality. I look upon it as a generality, but if I am dealing with a victim in my practice I am stopping right there until I get this person-oriented to take full responsibility for him or herself. Otherwise what I am doing is not going to produce the desired effect in a short time.
It is a major thing, how society has been gradually put into a victim role versus having good health care expectations. If you are a victim you won’t be healthy. This is something doctors have to really watch. What I see in the medical field is when they want the patient’s participation; they want their participation still strictly under their control. This is not participation at all. As I tell the patients in the clinic. ‘You are the doctor we are the technicians.’ You need to know and
understand and take full responsibility. You need to know too who the best people are for your care. That is philosophical but it is a core belief of mine.
Interviewer: Do you find for this reason there are people you cannot treat?
Jelstrup: Yes, most people you can treat but some people need to be sent to people who can train them to come out of the victim role. You have got to be in the warrior role. You have got to be in a totally responsible role. Many victims will hide themselves by saying that they are taking full responsibility, but I can tell they are doing it more for generating attention than to really believing in themselves. There are ways you can determine who is a victim. When people say,’ I am so sick, I am not getting better,’ this is a victim [laughter]. Warriors say,’ I am going to get better, I am getting better, I am sick and tired of being sick. My body is going to heal.” They are taking a stand for something better for themselves. Victims are taking a stand for a negative situation and want attention for themselves.
Interviewer: Almost through self-talk we are reinforcing the way we are going to be.
Jelstrup: This is the way the brain works. In neurophysiology, they are seeing more and more how careful surgeons have to be during surgery because they say a word and the brain of the patient automatically gets it. What you say under surgery can be very detrimental to the patient. If you say something it should be positive, because then this can go into the brain. Just like you are building some simple software for your computer. Garbage in, garbage out. Negative thoughts in and you are going to get the appropriate [negative] response in the body. There is more and more research in this field pointing to the fact we have to be careful with what we are thinking and what we are saying.
Right now I am working with Bob Shane about investigating the possibilities of accessing the brain and letting the brain begin to access through holographic concepts, problems like viral infections in the body. How the brain if stimulated appropriately, and with the right information will be able to access viral activity in the body and neutralize it. I find this extremely exciting.
It is the work we are doing now by stimulating the brain. First, proper diagnosis then proper detection; then proper stimulation of different lobes of the brain.
Interviewer: Now when you say holographic what do you mean in this context? I think of the 3D pictures on credit cards and I doubt this is what you mean [laughter].
Jelstrup: The brain has to have a very complete picture of what is going on. And in this picture, there is a holographic concept and once the brain gets the information it is capable of dealing with it. For example: attacking the virus. This has nothing to do with the day-to-day work of being a chiropractor - this is abstract. We do believe again, as B.J.Palmer pointed out many years ago to me if the human body is dealt with via proper hygiene - if you can distress the system properly and access the brain properly it is fully capable of regaining anything which has affected it. I believe this.
I believe much of the medicine we are getting - even though it might work for a time or seem to be helping the system in some way can have a detrimental effect on the brain and how it functions. This is the reason I also question many vaccines in the market today because if they might help one particular condition it can have an oppressive effect on many other conditions. An example of this is the vaccination against polio. It seems in the first 10-15 years the only polio detected has been caused solely by the vaccinations against it. This does not mean vaccination is wholly bad. It is just we have to understand its limits and then how to use it. Not to use it in a broad spectrum.
Interviewer: You do not in your practice have much in common with regular chiropractic do you?
Jelstrup: Well I would not agree with this. We all go to school; we all get a diploma, then some of us go a little bit further. I believe I belong to the cutting edge of the chiropractic profession. I think there are about 10 % of us who do, who are sharing this vision, and this common goal. This goes
for any profession. I would say about 10% of the medical doctors I know are realizing the importance of practicing preventive medicine and how they can integrate this work into other disciplines. For me, the 10% rule has been pretty well true.
I always like to mention how funny people have been trying to browbeat chiropractic as a profession over the years. It is the chiropractors who have made some of the major discoveries in the health care fields in the last century. X-rays for instance. Palmer College had the first x-ray machine West of the Mississippi. Chiropractors were the first ones.
Some of the major work done in the health field today dealing with kinesiology was discovered by chiropractors. Cranial work is primarily a chiropractic discovery. There is some advanced work we are still becoming aware of in neurophysiology research that chiropractic is beginning to get a handle on. There is a timing in the human body to follow in making corrections to it. There is a time to do things; there is a time not to do things and there are many other factors too.
But chiropractors have in spite of the onslaught of negative propaganda to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, from other professions especially the established medical profession has been able to open some very interesting ideas we have shared with many other health professions.
Interviewer: I think, in fact, they are even starting to realize the advancement of natural medicine recently has a lot to do with the success of chiropractic being able to hold its own.. forcing the AMA to back down and to admit they were essentially racketeering Because chiropractic is now accepted, other disciplines are beginning to feel they have a chance too.
Jelstrup: It reminds me also of a fight in the British parliament over a hundred years ago, where there were some bonesetters in England the medical profession wanted to put an end to their chiropractic. There was one medical doctor who stood up in front of parliament and pointed his figure at the audience and shouted, 'if you don't stop this practice of bone-setting they are going to come back and haunt us.' Meaning he realized there was some truth behind bone setting when it came to dealing with the meningeal system. Meaning the body has the ability to heal itself.
If there is proper homeostasis in the body, there will not be much room for an average medical doctor. He will be relegated to the position of emergency medicine. This policy position they have taken.
Now in the New England Journal of Medicine, I believe it was about 10 years ago there was an article that pointed out that approximately 20% of the people who come into medical practice are able to be helped by his skills. The other 80% of the practice helps to pay for the office overhead. Why? They have opted for this emergency medicine model. They have opted for drugs with detrimental effects. They have opted for research models I find highly inadequate.
What research on drugs has ever been done to see the electromagnetic effect on the human body? ... even though electromagnetic principles have been the guiding principles for the whole living human body according to Guyton’s textbook on medical physiology. Not one pharmaceutical company has taken this into account and if they did they would probably have to discard most of the medicine today.
This is why I believe electro-medicine will be shared by many professionals and will be the medicine of the future.
Carl H.Jelstrup DC PS, INC Chiropractor, Cranial-Dental CRA, Biokinetics.
Bellevue Wellness Center One Lake Bellevue #100 Bellevue, WA 98005
Jeanne Kreider, DN.,LMP.
Integrating Wellness and Natural Health Practitioner Soft Tissue Orthopedics,
Bio-Vibrational Medicine Cranial, BioKinetics, CRA
Bellevue Wellness Center
One Lake Bellevue Dr. Suite 100 Bellevue, WA 98005 info@BellevueWellnessCenter.com
Robert Shane Physicist 425-649-9526
Adverse Mechanical Tension of the Central Nervous System: An analysis of Cause and Effect By Alf Braig
Almquist & Wiksell International Stockholm, Sweden
ISBN 0471041378
Albert Berti DC
200 3825 Sunset Street Burnaby, BC
V5G 1T4
Bob Feasel DDS 17713 15th NE
Shoreline, WA 98155
Wayne Peace DDS 210 1077 56th St Delta, BC V4L 2A2
Patricia Wampler Personal Counselor 10505 NE 115th Lane Kirkland, WA 98033-4359